Morgan Wells

The Adaptation response cultivates resilience to COVID19 and likely reduces the risk of severe disease

by Dr. Bob Dozor Covid-19: risk factors for severe disease and death “A long list is emerging from largely unadjusted analyses, with age near the top” BMJ 2020; 368 doi: (Published 26 March 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;368:m1198 Covid-19: risk factors for severe disease and death  Age  Cardiovascular Disease  Diabetes  Respiratory Disease  Hypertension 

The Adaptation response cultivates resilience to COVID19 and likely reduces the risk of severe disease Read More »

Session Friday April 24

Dear NyingmaNet Friends, We had a wonderful first session of NyingmaNet today, with more than 200 participants. Check out our NyingmaTogether website for more Nyingma Online Offerings. We have also placed on the website a message from Tarthang Rinpoche. It includes most of the mantras that Pema and Lama Palzang led us through today. Please join

Session Friday April 24 Read More »

First Session of NyingmaNet

Thank you for your interest in the NyingmaNet gatherings! Each week Friday from 8:00-8:45 AM California (PST) time on Zoom we will practice meditation or Kum Nye to support our inner balance. There will also be interviews, project updates and special practices drawn from other aspects of Rinpoche’s teachings. Teachers and members throughout the international

First Session of NyingmaNet Read More »