Searcher Reaches Land’s Limits
Thought you knew your own mind?
This program will deepen your understanding of the ongoing relationship between what you see and what you think, revealing a freedom within mind that is totally unexpected.
Mastery – Level 200 Course – Prerequisite: Level 100 Course completed
Dates and Times
Term 1: Tuesdays, September 12th-October 24th, 10:00-11:30 AM PT
Term 2: Tuesdays, November 7th-December 12th, 10:00-11:30 AM PT
Term 3: Tuesdays, January 9th-February 18th, 10:00-11:30 AM PT
Term 4: Tuesdays, March 12th-April 16th, 10:00-11:30 AM PT
Term 5: Tuesdays, May 14th-June 18th, 10:00-11:30 AM PT
This one year course works through Tarthang Rinpoche’s Revelations of Mind, using Richard Dixey’s commentary, Searcher Reaches Lands Limits. There are five six week terms, totalling 30 classes overall, with a revision class at the end of each term, and a weekly movement class.
Mind itself has rarely been the subject of serious observation and sustained inquiry. This can reveal a way of understanding that dissolves our problems and blossoms into creative freedom. As it is, beset by misunderstanding, our world staggers from one crisis to the next. Imprisoned by our own concepts, blind to the effects they have on our behaviors, it’s hard to find a way forward. The path of understanding addresses these problems directly. We’ll begin with how mind can examine mind, then explore inner narratives. We explore how cognition is structured, leading to a new appreciation of how we construct our experience. Closely coupling classes with meditation exercises, we deepen our understanding of the ongoing relationship between what we see and what we think, revealing a freedom within mind that is totally unexpected. This new freedom is deepened until it can be accessed at any point- a true Revelation of Mind.
Classes meet online for six weeks, for one and a half hours a week. Classes are recorded and you will have access to the recordings for your personal use only. Each week, there will be a short lecture followed by experiential practices and discussion. Weekly handouts will provide inspirational readings and the instructions you need to continue your experiential learning at home. An online community portal gives you the optional ability to meet and dialog with your fellow students. A review class is offered at the end of each term, and an embodied movement practice class is offered weekly.
Weekly Topics
Term 1
Week 1: Ominpresence of Mind
Week 2: Regime of Mind
Week 3: The clarification of experience
Week 4: Mind on Automatic
Week 5: Victims of our own display
Week 6: Self identity closes the Regime of Mind
Term 2
Week 1: Opening the path
Week 2: Finding the calm state
Week 3: A staff for the Taklamakan
Week 4: Going beyond the known
Week 5: Deeping our enquiry
Week 6: Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth
Week 7: Review class
Term 3
Week 1: Transmigration
Week 2: The Maya of Time
Week 3: It’s labeling time
Week 4: Maya as creator; making a narrative
Week 5: Beginnings and endings
Week 6: Rushen
Week 7: Review class
Term 4
Week 1: No characteristics, no expectations
Week 2: Stopping the world
Week 3: A shift in the center of being
Week 4: Connecting to a cause
Week 5: Working with reactivity
Week 6: Overcoming Stoicism
Week 7: Review Class
Term 5
Week 1: Without foundation
Week 2: Seeing-knowing
Week 3: Tracking back the how
Week 4: Path advice for self
Week 5: Path advice for other
Week 6: Revelation of Mind
Week 7: Review class
Readings from
Searcher Reaches Land’s Limits, Volume I and Volume II by Dr. Richard Dixey
Senior Instructor
Assisted By