Annual Dharma College Retreat: A Master Key to Being Human
“The mind’s reflections open into a dimension of depth. If we can follow them into this depth, we may discover an unknown language and a new way of knowing. This is not mysterious; it just depends on the feedback we receive when we look at what is really happening….The kind of knowledge we’re talking about is also a different way of being. It’s a master key to being human; it lets us enter the storehouse where vast treasures are found every day. We can investigate mind activities and thought activities and sense activities. New knowledge leads to new abilities.” Venerable Tarthang Tulku, Dimensions of Mind pg. 170
What a year we have had to face with the Corona pandemic. Each of us has had to endure huge challenges that have allowed us to be more resilient and compassionate. Many of you have dived into more online classes than ever with us at Dharma College. Now we offer an opportunity to spend four days together at our sister organization, Ratna Ling. This retreat will be focused on bringing together the major themes presented at Dharma College, with a focus on retreat and practice. There will be two-morning sessions, activity in the afternoon, and one evening session which brings us together again. Those of you who cannot attend in person and would like to join us by Zoom will be able to share every opportunity to with the exception of our afternoon programs which will be held outside.
Retreat faculty will include senior instructors Abbe Blum, Robin Caton, Richard Dixey, Wangmo Dixey, as well as our new associate instructors Bob Dozor, Jonathan Clewley, Diane Kepner, and Ron Purser, whom we are proud to introduce in this retreat.
Since space is limited, we ask that you reserve your retreat space soon. We would ask that all participants have been vaccinated before arriving to the retreat to keep in line with COVID safety.