Session #3 Friday May 1

Dear NyingmaNet friends

We hope you enjoyed our second NyingmaNet session, featuring an interview with Tsering Gellek, Olivia Hurd leading us through a Balancing Emotions practice, and Dr. Bob Dozor giving us an inclusive approach to staying healthy in body and mind. We posted a hand-out with more of his good doctor’s advice  on the NyingmaNet website. We’re sorry the connection with Tsering was not stable; here is a link here to the latest newsletter of Sarnath International Nyingma Institute, 

Please send feedback, tips or advice through the contact form. We’d love to hear from you

Expected on NyingmaNet #3, Friday May 1: 

  • Abbe Blum interviews Nyingma residents sheltering in place at Nyingma locations 
  • Dagmar Traub from the German Center leads us through a Caring practice 
  • Dharma College teacher Robin Caton addresses the importance of understanding and befriending our minds, especially in these challenging times. 
  • Mark Henderson, teacher at the Berkeley Nyingma institute, leads a brief Vajra Guru Mantra chant.    

Please join us for NyingmaNet #3 Friday May 1:  8.00-8.45 am in California, 12.00-12.45 am in Brazil, 5.00-5.45 pm in Europe, 8.30-9.15 pm in India, by clicking the zoomlink below. 

NyingmaNet welcomes new friends, so feel free to pass on this message to friends and neighbors.

For security reasons, please ask them to join by signing up here, rather than passing on the zoomlink, thank you!

New online courses are starting this week at Nyingma Institute and Dharma College, offering an array of helpful ways to support your caring and wisdom in these challenging times. The Nyingma Centers in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Cologne. and Amsterdam offer a choice of online classes in their local languages. In the Dharma Publishing webstore you can order books, meditation cushions, and also a choice of self study programs that you can do in your own time in your own pace.  You’ll find the links and a helpful calendar overview on our website. 

We hope the teachings will encourage and inspire us all to use our time well and not give in to even the slightest despair or fear. 

NyingmaNet editorial team

Jack Petranker
Abbe Blum
Elske van de Hulst
Ignacio Ercole
Wei-Li King