Kum Nye

Kum Nye Dancing

Are you ready to dance? Onder leiding van Charaka Jurgens en Eveline Feekes, de cöordinatoren van de Kum Nye Dancing oefengroep, vindt vanaf maandagmiddag 25 oktober weer een introductiecursus Kum Nye Dancing plaats waarin gewerkt wordt aan de serie  ‘Being Present in the Present’.  Kum Nye Dancing is gebaseerd op  het derde Kum Nye boek

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KNR119 Kum Nye in Daily Life

“When you finish practicing, be sure to let your next activity also be a form of Kum Nye. Expand your feelings while eating, walking, or seeing. Let relaxation inform every experience, so your entire life becomes a part of an expanding, widening, meditation.” Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga, 215 In this summer class we explore how the

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Kum Nye Meditation Retreat

August 16 – 29, 2021 Osnabrück, Germany with Arnaud Maitland and Andis Egle Dear Kum Nye Meditation Afficionado, A new Kum Nye orientation is coming this August 16-29, 2021, with the intention to come back to our heart’s essence. Since Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche has introduced Kum Nye as healing practices, there have been all kinds

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Prayer for our Times

Connecting to the Sacred in the Modern World A ten-week class with Maria Helena Kubrusly   Our rational mind questions what the heart knows. We can feel the presence of the sacred even in the midst of the tribulations of daily life. In our hearts we know the existence of something bigger, beyond our routine

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Intermediate Mixed Level Kum Nye: Joy of Being, Easening Practices

Thursdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM  “For our health and happiness, it is essential that we learn ways of relaxing and bringing ease to the mind and communicate directly with body and senses.”   Joy of Being This ongoing 2021 Joy of Being series features practice that bring ease; promoting deep relaxation, giving mind space to

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Anatomy of a Kum Nye Exercise: #42 Balancing the Body and #24 Being and Body (KNR131)

https://nyingmainstitute.com/courses/ Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM, PST (August 26 – October 14) As we work with mediation practices, we start to integrate our body breath and mind. This brings relaxation and balance to our embodiment and in our daily life. The class introduces practices that gently guide us along the path of meditation. Instructor: Santosh

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Advanced Kum Nye (KNR302)

Tuesdays, 7–8:30 PM, PST (August 25 – October 13) “Kum Nye offers a way to support health, happiness, and inner peace, the foundation of meaning in life and the gateway to the most sublime meditative experience.” Tarthang Tulku, Joy of Being. Advanced Kum Nye practices attune body, mind, and spiritual path-awakening inner resources that generate

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