Online Offerings Calendar
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Updates During COVID-19
Dharma College
Berkeley, California. It is offering all its current courses online. They are based on Tarthang Tulku’s Revelations of Mind and Lotus Trilogy. It also offers a Skillful Means Challenge, led by Wangmo Dixey. Free 30-minute classes are also being offered.
Nyingma Institute
Berkeley, California. All classes are being offered online. A new series of classes starts soon. There is a weekly Tibetan Yoga drop-in class every Sunday, and a free Sunday evening Dharma talk. Nyingma Institute is also offering a free online offering, Tools for Troubled Times, more info here.
Mangalam Center
Berkeley, California. Free online classes are offered on a periodic basis.
Dharma Publishing
Ratna Ling (Sonoma County), California. Dharma Publishing offers a rich variety of self-study programs based on Tarthang Rinpoche’s books written for Westerners, including Knowledge of Freedom and a vast series of E-Kum Nye programs. There are also online early morning (local time), donation-based Kum Nye practice classes.
Nyingma Centers International
The umbrella organization for 4 Nyingma Centers: Nyingma Centrum Nederland in Amsterdam, Nyingma Zentrum in Cologne, Germany, Centro Nyingma de Budismo Tibetano in Rio de Janeiro, and Centro Nyingma do Brasil in São Paulo. They each offer a variety of online classes and self-study programs in their local languages. The Rio center offers a daily chant for protection against contagion at 6 pm local time.
Other Nyingma Centers
Odiyan Retreat Center, Sonoma County, California.
Ratna Ling Retreat Center, Sonoma County, California.
Sarnath International Nyingma Institute , Northern India.