Dutch Center

Nyingma Centrum Nederland

The mission of Nyingma Centrum is to preserve, protect and transmit the Dharma. We introduce the Dharma in the west by offering means to study and practice.  We offer small introductory courses as well as an extensive curriculum of 8 educational paths. Modern and traditional approaches. There are many opportunities to practice in Dharma Projects, in ceremonies and in caring for the community. We have a beautiful gift-shop, a publishing department, a buddhist sacred art studio and a dutch branch of Tibetan Aid Project. The income we generate goes to Nyingma- projects in the East, like the Yeshe De Project.

Reguliersgracht 25, 1017 LJ
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Introductory Video


Nyingma Centrum Nederland offers online self-study programs in

  • meditation/buddhist psychology,
  • Kum Nye
  • Skillful Means

To learn more, visit https://www.boeddhismeonline.org/


NCN would welcome volunteers for:

We welcome volunteers for minimum half a day – one day and people who want to intensify work and study in a workstudy programme (min 6 months, 16 hrs a week)

Visit https://www.nyingma.nl/ to learn more.