Submit an Event

to the Nyingma Mandala Calendar

Enter information for your event in the form below for review. An administrator for the website will review it and publish it if it is complete; otherwise, we will reach out for further information.

For a quick guide on what to enter into each of the fields, see below.

  • Title: name of your event
  • Add the description in the box below the title
  • Date: if your event is a weekly recurring event (like a 6-week class), the start date and end date will be for the first class session. Then, click the box for “Event Repeating” and specify how often it recurs in the “Repeat” box. Except in rare circumstances, you do not have to fill in the “repeat interval” or time unless the event is irregular. Please do specify how many classes in the “Ends Repeat” area
  • Time: should be listed in your own time zone. Specify which time zone in the “Notes on the time” field.
  • Hourly schedule is optional
  • For “Event Location,” specify “Online” for online events, or the address of the center for in-person events.
  • Event Main Organizer: select your organization from the drop-down menu
  • SEO Schema: please leave alone
  • Event links (right-hand column): put the registration link in the “More Info” area and select “New Window”
  • Event CostĀ (right-hand column): enter the cost of the event
  • Featured ImageĀ (right-hand column): Upload the main event image in this field
  • Categories (right-hand column): Specify the category that best describes your event
  • Languages (right-hand column): Specify the language of instruction
  • Tags (right-hand column): Specify any descriptive tag that may be of interest to your audience. For example, the type of teaching “TSK”, or the name of the instructor “Abbe Blum”, or a special characteristic of the event “Fundraiser” or “Kid-Friendly”

Please Login/Register in order to submit new events.