Time Space Knowledge Intensive
with Jack Petranker
September 5 – 8, 2020
Online and Live at Nyingma Centrum Nederland, in Amsterdam
The Covid-19 pandemic has been a wake-up call for many of us to rethink the ’normal’ of our lives.
To guide us in this exploration, we have invited Jack Petranker, senior student of Tarthang Tulku and internationally acclaimed teacher of Tarthang Tulku’s Time Space Knowledge Vision, to open our 2020-2021 Nyingma season with a three-day intensive revisiting these profound teachings.
Time, Space and Knowledge Intensive – Program
It is our intention to have an in-person retreat in Amsterdam with a limited number of participants, strictly abiding by health regulations.
The retreat starts with a free talk on Saturday, September 5th, at 7.00 pm, CEST, and continues Sunday, Monday, and all day Tuesday.
The opening talk and the evening sessions of the retreat will be available as a webinar for participants throughout the world.